October 15, 2012

Can you feel the magic in the air?

Anyone will tell you I'm the biggest disney princess fan there is.

And I spend a good amount of time reading/watching/writing in the fantasy genre. I love magic, and happy endings, and love, and pretty places and castles and all of the cheesy things that make up a fairytale.

I've always wanted to be a princess when I grow up. I still do.
So today after watching yet another fairytale themed show, I realized my life actually is turning into a fairytale. Because the one thing that fairytales have... that makes that world different from ours... is magic.

And chi is my magic.

It's invisible, it's powerful, it does amazing things. It makes us breathe and live. Smile. Cry. All of these crazy things that we take for granted so easily.

So, with all that said, here's my inspiration for the day:

by Jessica Lynne McClelland.

1) Believe in something. Whether it's science, magic, happiness, friendship, love... whatever it is that clicks with your system, believe it with your whole heart. Give yourself to it. Embrace it. Always allow yourself to be amazed by it.

2) Enjoy the little things. See all of the beauty thats around you, even if you see it everyday.

3) Fall in love. Every fairytale has a cliche romance. Create your own. As many times as you want. Maybe falling in love can hurt you, but its also one of the most beautiful emotions out there. So let it happen.

4) Go on adventures. Daily. What good prince or princess doesn't have an adventure or two to share? Maybe it's just going shopping, or for a walk. Maybe it's a new place with your best friend. A vacation you've been saving up for. Make your own adventures, and get excited about them.

5) Sing!! Or write. Or draw. Or build. Or make. Create something. Express yourself, and do it often. Make it a crucial part of who you are.

6) Be a good friend. Do kind things for people and allow them to do kind things back. Fill your life with beautiful people with their own fairytales.

I know it's silly, but there's nothing in that list that will make your life worse, so if you're a fairytale lover like me, maybe it'll give you some good inspiration.
Maybe it'll help you make your own fairytale.

I love you all so much.

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