November 5, 2012

And we're back

This hurricane has been hard on us all in the Northeast.

I want to take a minute, first, to say I love each and everyone one of you that is suffering. I send you all of my best, and I am confident that this too shall pass.

Throughout this weekend, there have been a number of instances where I've seen beauty in the destruction.

People sharing water and electricity, businesses going out of their way to support hurricane relief, people coming out of the woodwork to help those who needed it most. Support from friends and family giving the strength to offer support in return.

And for my family specifically, with the loss of my grandfather... so many have reached out. Thank you.

This world is beautifully messy. There's no easy way out, but there is a gentle way through, and that's what I wish for all of you.

That aside - we're back online, hopefully for a good long while!

So posts will begin again as before.

In the meantime, I was reading my bible, and found a verse that spoke to me.
So I exchanged a couple words.

I exchanged "Lord" for "Purpose" and "God" for "Love"... because aren't those the same things?

And here's what I got:
There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same purpose. Love works in different ways, but it is the same Love who does the work in all of us.

I don't know how I feel about the church, and I don't know where I fall on the religious spectrum. But I know I am spiritual and i want to open myself up to all avenues of that. I love this world and the magic that runs through it, no matter what name you give it.

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