Hey there!
My name is Jessica Lynne McClelland, and this page is all about spreading positivity, which I spend a large portion of my time trying to do.
I found yoga and Kai Chi Do (kaichido.com) after a difficult time in my life. It saved my life, and more importantly, showed me everything that’s already out there waiting for me. For all of us.
All we have to do is let it in.
It’s my belief that everyone has chi energy. This powerful life force that courses through your veins and makes you really alive. Some call it God, or Buddha, or Jesus, or Muhammad. And I don’t disagree with any of them. I think when you find what speaks to you, and what you believe, it should be honored and cherished because it is true. In your heart, in your life, it becomes truth, and that’s what matters. Whatever you chose to believe, I hope this blog can bring you some steadiness and happiness towards it.
For me, chi is what keeps me going. That beautiful energy that I can use to bring positivity to me and those I encounter every day of my life. I love what it has done for me.
In April of 2012 I began my training as a Kai Chi Do instructor. Next year I will begin my training as a yoga teacher. I practice both regularly, and also spend a substantial amount of time meditating on this lifestyle that I’ve devoted myself to.
Most importantly, I love and appreciate you for reading this, for hearing what I have to say, and for being the beautiful person you are. I honor your happiness, and I hope you always carry it with you. Take a deep breath, smile, and forget the rest. Namaste.